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They way the customer perceives a product can play an important role in how we formulate a product. Customer perceptions are often far off from what we know as formulators to be true, however without customers we would have no one to make our wonderful products for. When a consumer reads a label they are all to often confused and overwhelmed. Not being able to understand what the ingredients are (as they are in INCI format) they often deem products unsafe or filled with "fillers" ( I read that one online and thought it was funny!)

Customers perceive products with thicker viscosity, more hydrating. If a face cream comes in a jar over a pump in a consumers eyes the product is "bettter". The same can be applied to deep conditioners and body butters.

VISCOSITY : How a product flows.

To sum it up formulators start thinking about the ingredients that are going to give your product not only all the benefits you want it to have but also what its final form will be, this will help you select the appropriate ingredients

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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Now that we have learned how to read and weigh out a cosmetic formula, it's time to learn how to upscale for bigger batches (We need a lot more than 100g of our cosmetic goodness!). We will use the formula provided yesterday to keep things simple.

WHEN MAKING A NEW FORMULA ALWAYS START WITH A 100G BATCH ( you would hate to make say a 500g batch and have accidently misread the steps or something else. It would be an expensive mistake wasting ingredients)

The formula read :

Body Oil

80% Sunflower Oil

10% Grapeseed Oil

5% Rice Bran Oil

2% Argan Oil

2.5% Almond Oil

0.5% Vitamin E

We learned yesterday (refer to the post) how to weigh this formula out to a 100g batch.

Let's upscale to a 1000g batch!

80g x 10 = 800 g

10g x 10 = 100 g

5g x 10 = 50 g

2g x 10 = 20 g

2.5g x 10 = 25 g

0.5g x 10 = 5 g

Totals : 1000g of Product!!!

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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

When starting your journey into cosmetic formulation, it can be overwhelming, at times even a bit scary. We formulate in percentages to ensure that our products that our clients love stay consistent, safe and reliable. Now how do we read a formula written in percentages? Better yet how do we weigh out ingredients to match the percentages in our formulation. We ALWAYS weigh in grams (for my USA friends, its easy I promise!).

Body Oil Formula Reads:

80% Sunflower Oil

10% Grapeseed Oil

5% Rice Bran Oil

2% Argan Oil

2.5% Almond Oil

0.5% Vitamin E

Now lets weigh it out together!

80g Sunflower Oil

10g Grapeseed Oil

5g Rice Bran Oil

2g Argan Oil

2.5g Almond Oil

0.5g Vitamin E

Feel free to make this body oil and enjoy it! We will learn to upscale our batch together tomorrow!

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