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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Now that we have learned how to read and weigh out a cosmetic formula, it's time to learn how to upscale for bigger batches (We need a lot more than 100g of our cosmetic goodness!). We will use the formula provided yesterday to keep things simple.

WHEN MAKING A NEW FORMULA ALWAYS START WITH A 100G BATCH ( you would hate to make say a 500g batch and have accidently misread the steps or something else. It would be an expensive mistake wasting ingredients)

The formula read :

Body Oil

80% Sunflower Oil

10% Grapeseed Oil

5% Rice Bran Oil

2% Argan Oil

2.5% Almond Oil

0.5% Vitamin E

We learned yesterday (refer to the post) how to weigh this formula out to a 100g batch.

Let's upscale to a 1000g batch!

80g x 10 = 800 g

10g x 10 = 100 g

5g x 10 = 50 g

2g x 10 = 20 g

2.5g x 10 = 25 g

0.5g x 10 = 5 g

Totals : 1000g of Product!!!

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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

When starting your journey into cosmetic formulation, it can be overwhelming, at times even a bit scary. We formulate in percentages to ensure that our products that our clients love stay consistent, safe and reliable. Now how do we read a formula written in percentages? Better yet how do we weigh out ingredients to match the percentages in our formulation. We ALWAYS weigh in grams (for my USA friends, its easy I promise!).

Body Oil Formula Reads:

80% Sunflower Oil

10% Grapeseed Oil

5% Rice Bran Oil

2% Argan Oil

2.5% Almond Oil

0.5% Vitamin E

Now lets weigh it out together!

80g Sunflower Oil

10g Grapeseed Oil

5g Rice Bran Oil

2g Argan Oil

2.5g Almond Oil

0.5g Vitamin E

Feel free to make this body oil and enjoy it! We will learn to upscale our batch together tomorrow!

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Updated: Oct 4, 2023

So, your new to the scene and formulating seems confusing, maybe even scary! You have made a few things off pinterest or youtube and want to start making an income off your own brand of cosmetics. DIY cosmetics that are used up in a day or two ( even then a lot of pinterest and youtubers "recipes" are not safe ) and cosmetics that are being sold to the public are completely different things. Customers are trusting us brand owners with their hair and skin, its a responsibility NOT to be taken lightly! I would like to feel safe when purchasing a product, wouldn't you?

Most people cannot afford to invest time and money into their education right away. Maybe you aren't interested in learning to formulate but you want to start your own cosmetic brand. Maybe you want to start your brand with a few products, just to start making an income while you take the time to learn to be a formulator and formulate your own safely. If this is the case, having an experienced formulator or chemist develop a product , or purchasing a pre developed formula would be a fast, affordable and reliable way to start your business.

After going through a detailed consultation you and your chosen formulator ( or chemist ) have found the perfect formula.

When receiving your formula it is critical that the original formulator provide either the exact supplier or manufacturer of ALL ingredients listed in the formula. YOU MUST USE THE EXACT SAME MATERIALS AS THE ORIGINAL FORMULATOR FOR THE PRODUCT TO CONTINUE TO BE CONSISTENT.

A properly written cosmetic formula should reap the exact same results every single time its made ( as long as materials are sourced as referenced and steps are followed as instructed ). If you are starting small scale and producing the products at home, you must follow each step and mix exactly as indicated and taught to you by the original formulator. If you are starting larger scale your formulator (chemist) should be able to help you bridge the way.


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