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  • Do I need any cosmetic formulating experience to have a product developed exclusive to my brand?
    Absolutely not! We provide detailed step by step instructions along with your formulation card and business package. You will have full support from the formulator every step of the way! Your success is our success! If you are not comfortable creating a home lab for development we can help bridge the gap between you and outsourcing product production.
  • Do I need to know how to formulate cosmetics to make the formulas available on the website?
    Absolutely Not!! Our formulations and instructions are written in clear detail. We are here to help every step of the way! You will never be alone in making a product purchased with Your Cosmetic Chemist.
  • Can I substitute ingredients?
    Please inquire about any ingredient substitutions before making changes. What may seem like a simple substitution can throw off an entire formulation and deem it unsafe or ineffective.
  • Can I launch my brand with one product?
    Yes! Coca Cola did it! Some of the biggest brands in history start with one product that is known as their “hero product”.
  • Do I have to choose an all natural product?
    No, we are educated in a wide array of ingredients. If it is labelled a cosmetic under the FDA we can formulate it for you! If you can dream it we can formulate it!
  • How do I choose a formula?
    Your Cosmetic Chemist is here to help make your selection one that will exceed your expectations, each and every time you make or use it! Please fill out a contact us form and let's talk one on one! Kindly include you would like help choosing a formulation. It is completely free and available to everyone before purchasing. We recommend taking advantage of the wonderful opportunity to ensure your selection is one that meets all of your needs.
  • I don’t want to sell Skin/Hair or Bath and Body Products, I just want to make them.
    You do not need to start your own brand or sell products. Its a simple as that. Formulating and DIY products are a fun and creative hobby that millions of people enjoy. Join our FREE facebook community that is filled with information and support! Check out our blog section for free information and formulations!
  • I don’t know where to start?
    New ventures are confusing for everyone! We are here every step of the way! Book a consultation with us and we can help guide you. Join our FREE facebook group (link is on the contact us and homepage) its a great starting place and is filled with information and creativity!
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