" I took Your Cosmetic Chemists Emulsified Body Butter Class. Kennece, the instructor explained how to make emulsified body butters in depth. The videos were helpful, and the e-book taught me a lot about using Emulsifying Wax NF and formulating my own body butters."
Tiffany Tassin
Thank you so much for offering this class, Kennece ShakiAvon. I’ve been a self-taught soap maker for over 24years ago I decided to take a class from master soap maker and what I learned from her added a ton of knowledge to my own, made me confident in soapmaking and a finished product product with tested formula worthy of selling to the public in my own shop.......
Bry Rose
Love what you do! I’ve taken a few courses with formula botanical I learnt more here from you!
Candice Moore
I have learned more from you than I did at Fb and the formulations you provide make me feel like I am making a safe product as you explain things in layman’s terms. I feel that you are the real deal. 🔥
Karen Thomas
Today I made Cocoa Cashmere Lotion Bars, which I have because I am a VIP Patreon member on Kennece's website. I poured it into a bee mold. This bar is so smooth even on dry skin. It doesn't take a lot to get a lovely feel. I made a 100 gm batch to test. Will be making more for gifts!
I bought this and so Incredibly Happy I did! So informative - Beginners Bible to Cosmetic